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WFColonel's War Room: 2011-10-23

Oct 28, 2011

Purple Zone Semi Fix vs Bunch

Quick note: I wrote this up really quick lol

Purple Zone Semi Fix VS Bunch from the 4-3

Well over the past week or two I have gotten hit up a lot about defending this particular play. I guess they hit me up cuz they know I play a ton of zone lol. But a lot of guys wanted help vs this 1 play/formation
This is a pretty decent fix for the purple zone problem against the bunch. And I actually do use this when guys try to throw this a lot. Now if they do a LOT of different things from the bunch I will do some other things but lets get to it

Offensive play
Z spot
-streak the B wide receiver
This will take advantage of the broken purple zones by sucking them into the flats 

And I will use the 4-3 stack formation to defend it

Cover 3
*What needs to happen*
-step 1- Shade Zones to the bunch or up
-step 2-Put SS in a purple zone
-step 3- Man a player up on the flat route wide receiver or put a flat zone relatively close

The key is that without that flat route WR being covered by the flat zone or man coverage the purple zone will get sucked down!!!

You shouldn’t have to do it but whatever, it’s the game we have. Its kind of ironic that we have to trick the AI to get it to play correctly

The reason you shade the coverage to the bunch side or up is that without it your opponent could just through the corner deep behind the somewhat fixed purple zone. Now its more like braket coverage. It will have to be a very well thrown ball to get through the window. Either your purple zone or your CB Will have a chance at the ball

The only repercussion to shading your coverage to the bunch is that the seam route could burn you. BUT YOU WILL HAVE A CHANCE AT IT. Click on and make a play

Some Variations You Can Use (actual position names)

Shade zones 
SS in purple
Put LDE in man coverage (or a flat zone) on flat route WR
Put DT1 in a QB contain
Do whatever with ROLB
Shade zones 
Put SS in purple
Put LOLB in a flat zone (putting him in man cov on flat WR can work but not as well)
I like putting the ROLB in a yellow zone but u can do anything
User MLB
This can work for guys who want a tad quicker set up
Shade zones
Put LOLB in a purple
Shift LBs to the bunch
Put MLB in a yellow (yes…re do it)
Some people may wonder why I don’t spotlight the corner route. Well that’s because this is an all zone coverage play and it will effect every one of my defenders in coverage.

*cough* seam route *cough*
Yes….that really happened before……in game…….for the win…..I cried lol
But if you follow the *what needs to happen * above than you should be able to use any formation or zone coverage to defend this particular play.

Also you can work in your own blitz plays if they fit with the overall coverage


Oct 26, 2011

Old Virgin Gaming Game

guys I was just sitting on this video for a while (actually forgot about it) and I decided to post it up

its a really quick game ,what u will see
-him having really bad protection
-my blitzes
-my blitzes getting to him lol
- him quitting

I was filming this game just in case some funny stuff went down. If it did I had video proof to send to virgin gaming. And yes i did have to send it in. But the virgin gaming support staff is top notch. Better than gamersaloon in my opinion

so enjoy the short game. and also could you subscribe to my youtube channel


How To Cause Turnovers In Madden

Causing turnovers in Madden 12 is a big part of winning games. The person who wins the turnover battle is more prone to win the game and if you get behind in the turnover battle its a hard hill to climb back from.

But the real question is HOW DO I CAUSE TURNOVERS?

Interceptions are probably the easiest way to get a turnover in John Madden Football. There are ways to go about doing so

Now confusion is my favorite way to get interceptions. Players are used to their normal passing reads and confusion is all about interrupting them in unique ways. Just think about your favorite passing play

I will give you a second....................times up

Just imagine your reads for that play if your expecting a cover 3 defense. BUT instead you see the Middle linebacker head to the flats the Right outside linebacker heads into the deep third zone and the free safety rolls down and plays where the Middle linebacker was.

Yes I know thats hard to picture but you get the point. You will be thrown off. You could get a regular cover 3 or a crazy version of a cover 3 like the above. Or it could just be as simple as having them expect a cover 3 and giving them a cover 2 defense

Implementing confusion tactics usually come into play during the 2nd or 3rd quarter once you have become familiar with what plays the offense is running

You need to practice these exotic set ups (if you want to use them successfully in game) in practice mode

You can literally do anything you want to but just make sure that the players DO WHAT THEY NEED TO DO!!!

Most of the time players hike and throw without actually seeing what is going on. They are just going off of mussel memory and BAM there is the interception. Or they will not be able to diagnose what the coverage actually is and you COULD get a coverage sack

there isnt really a significant downside to this defense because you still have players playing the areas they need to. But they may get to the area later than they otherwise would have. This does not apply to showing one coverage and playing another (cover 3 to cover 2)

Now aggression is just what it sounds like YOU SEND THE HEAT and force them into passing mistakes

Get in practice mode and find some good blitzes. The goal is to get the most heat while sending as few players as possible

They will see (and hopefully feel) the heat and have that impulse to get rid of the ball. Most average players will fall to the temptation and send you an early Christmas gift over the internet in the form of an interception

Its a pretty simple concept but be warned you MAY be open to getting gashed in the passing game depending on your play...You have been warned

Waiting game
This again is exactly what it sounds like.....YOU WAIT

This is built around playing great coverage and eventually you will be able to make a play on defense. People doubt this works but I can fully say that it does because I played this way 80% of madden 11.

You will need to make adjustment after adjustment, paying close attention to the offense. Wrap yourself around the offense like a snake on its prey. Squeeze and keep squeezing them until they bust.

Nobody plays mistake free madden. You will rarely see ANYBODY play a perfect game where there is no bad read, no under throw, no protection miscalculation. Just think of the last game you did everything perfectly

Just reverse it and capitalize on the mistakes on defense..They will come and if done correctly you will be there

The best thing is that there is 0 risk in this defense

Fumbles are a different animal entirely for a few reasons

1- There are always chances
2-You can get them without even trying...Yes even accidentally
3- The computer players on defense are pulling their weight, finally

There are always chances to get them because on any play there is a tackle, there is a chance to get a fumble. Hitsticks, Strip Button and even running into the ball carrier can cause them. I myself am fond of the strip button this year in madden 12. But it does vary year to year, sometimes the hitstick is most effective but for madden 12 the strip button is where its at guys.

Be warned though guys using the strip button has risks to it
-it sows you down
-could cause a facemask penalty. Not as relevant in madden 12 but other years it shows up a good amount
-the runner could break your strip tackle

But the hitstick also has a downside of wiffing. And when you wiff, you wiff believe me. But some years there could be more of a suction animation to it. It just depends on how that years Madden plays

As I said you can get them without even trying to....yes it does happen, and you get pretty excited when they do.

And as of Madden 12 the other computer defenders are also causing bone shattering hitsticks or strip tackle animations. It is great guys

There is nothing scarier than playing the Baltimore Ravens or Pittsburgh Steelers and running into hitstick after hitstick every other play. I would also imagine that the reverse side would be pretty hype about it when it happens (often)

So in closing about fumbles I myself avoid doing hitsicks or strip tackles when im the only defender left back or if the other players around me are slow and im facing a much faster player on offense

So there it is guys.

How To Cause Turnovers In Madden

If you liked reading this tweet it out, like it on facebook, if you have a stumble account stumble it, google plus, link to it on other sites (say where it came from of course) just spread the word guys

WFColonel56 OUT!!!!!


Have An Entire Offensive Game Not Just A Run Game

I played an online game of madden 12 today and something came to my mind.

There are way too many people who can only run the ball. And I have to sit back and ask myself ,why? Why does this happen to players?

Here is what happens
- 1st drive the player may (MAY) be able to get a great run game going

-2nd drive the defense starts to figure the offense out. And may limit the run game to some short gains

-3rd drive the defense figures it out. NOW the offense is left out to dry. You see a horrid display of passing take place.

Here is the thing!!!
As a defense all you need to do to throw a run game off is 1 (yes only 1) run stuff per downs. And then SORT of limit another gain (about 5 yards or so) then the offense is left with a 3rd down and around four or five yards

But then comes WHY? and HOW?

Why do players do this?

How does this happen?

Either they dont know any better. That i do not buy because they have to have played other madden ballers who have more diverse schemes then their own.
They dont know how to develop even a basic passing game

As far as developing a basic passing scheme you could just run three football passing concepts and be okay to dive into battle

I have talked about the curl flats and drive concept but here is a new one for you guys

streak-out concept

it is good vs man or zone defense

imagine my art gallery worth artwork above is a picture of the route combo being ran from the right hash mark

all you need is a slot wide receiver

-a streak route run by the slot
- a smart routed out route by the outside wide WR or s stock 10 yard out route

*this can all be done from hot routes*

you actually could use this route combo up to seven yards away from the first down if you wanted will not effect the throw. But no closer than seven yards away

This combo is good vs man or zone coverage

- you can read the seam route to see if you have space to pass lead inside for the catch. Or if it is cover 0 and you like your matchup you could throw it deep

- the money maker is the out route vs man. Throw right at the cut by the wide WR. You will need to head into maddens practice mode to get the timing down

- if you dont like that throw you will need to hit a check down route. Either a in/drag/delay route  that you feel good about

- see if you like the seam

-the out route should be open vs cover 2 and cover 3

-if you dont like it check down

As you can see its a very easy read to execute and the combo can be run in any formation where you have a slot wide receiver. Just so you know you can motion a running back out of the backfield to be a slot wide receiver so theres no reason not to run this route combo

So guys you now have three solid route combos to run in curl-flats, drive, and now the streak-out combo. All of these combos can be run from many different formation (if not every formation in the game) so there is no excuse to have zero pass game

For more reading on passing concepts I would check out


Oct 23, 2011

Inverted Cover 3

Well since Sgibs and Zfarls of (twitter: maddenbible and sgibs7) have coined the name inverted cover 2 this year I have to make an adjustment to the name lol

This is a really good play I have been using off and on since madden 09 

As you can see its from the 4-3 stack defense (but can be done from any and every defense)

its the cover 3 play....NOT THE COVER 3 PRESS...Its the regular cover 3 with the safety already in the flat

the set up is
-call bump and run defense or back your DBs back. it really doesnt matter to much for the pass, but for the run I would Bump and Run

-globally blitz all LBs

-globally hook all LBs

-Put safety on the left of screen in a flat zone

-shade db coverage inside

*user Middle Linebacker*

Thats basically it but you can do whatever you want to the DL
I like to put a DT in a QB spy to cover the shallow middle. 

When usering the MLB you want to protect the deep middle just like if you were playing a cover 2. But also be aware of routes that will cross your face. Its a hard thing to do but the coverage look will confuse your opponent!!!
The flats may look really open at first but with the way most flat route work this year that route will go for 3 yards max unless you wiff on a tackle

Also the way the safety goes to the flats he will semi cover the curl area which is .....well great lol

You want them to throw to the middle and test YOU

also I didnt mention but bump and running or off coverage will keep the safeties from rotating and showing cover 3. That is pretty big

I run this coverage sparingly. For those who dont know me im very conservative and dont like a lot of coverage that can give up big plays. This is some pretty good red zone D as well.

You also can tie in some blitzs with the coverage, just use your imagination!!!

if you dont want to user the MLB you can put him on a deep blue zone and user a OLB. Or dial up a blitz and user a DE or whatever (I may have given away too much  lol)
WFColonel56 OUT


Is speed overrated?

Speed is always a highly debated rating in madden as well as ncaa football. The community is partly divided on the topic, some think that speed is a necessity and some others dont think it is as important. I will be doing some research on the topic and hopefully I can get some numbers from other ppl as well.\

so look out for that in the future...hopefully I can make this really epic
