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WFColonel's War Room: 2011-12-04

Dec 10, 2011

Tips To Help Madden Rookies Take Down The Madden Pros: Pt1

The hardest thing for new players to do is to beat the "pros". Of course that sounds pretty obvious to some but the reason they lose a good amount of the time isnt because the "pro" is that much better than the madden rookie. The madden rookie plays differently vs this madden pro and it is mostly in that players head. So these are just some tips to help the "rookies" take down the "pros".

Play The Game Not The Name
This little phrase has been around as long as I can remember but it couldnt be any more true. I remember getting so nervous at the loading screen waiting for the game to begin. My palms sweating, knowing that if I make one mistake the game is over!!!!

As Mike Ditka would say "Stop It"

Just because you are playing _______ doesnt mean he is any better at the game than you are. It just means he is more known for playing a video game.

Just play your game, and let the chips fall where they may. Just try to stay as calm as possible. Try to enter in every game as if you are playing the compunter "Play the game and not the name"

Go In With A Game Plan
Enter the game with a set out plan for what you want to do. Players call it "having a scheme"
A scheme will keep you mentally focused with what you are seeing from them and what you need to do yourself.

What you dont want to do is enter into a game with no idea of what you want to do. That my friend is a quick way to ensure that the game will get out of hand quickly

Manage The Clock
Managing the clock is very important, there is nothing that you can overlook. Depending on the quarter time there are two or three possessions a quarter usually with the occasional four split between both players. Using that number you have to play the clock. Know when you need to speed up your offenses tempo or slow it down.

Managing the clock it hard to describe, the knowledge is gained through playing games. But I will do the best I can to let you know some key things.

-The offenses tempo could determine if you get another possession or not just remember that.

-Use your timeouts wisely

-Use the two minute warning to your advantage on offense

-Defensively judge the time on the clock and decide if its smarter to just go to the two minute warning or to call a time out before the two minute warning to save time.

-Sometimes its better to throw the ball away rather than completing a short pass and staying in bounds wasting precious clock.

All of these things go into managing the clock

Limit The Big Play
Most "pro players" have some plays that can get them down the field quickly. You have to understand the downfalls of your defense in defending the deep ball, if you do you can hide them.

Also you must tackle well and play solid user defense. Do not take your player out of the play because of bad user skills. A lot of big plays happen because of bad user defense.

The goal is to prevent scores, but if that doesnt happen you want them to earn the score by stringing together multiple good plays in a row. Dont make it easy on them. A reason why limiting the big play is important is because the more plays they have to run the better chance that they will make a mistake and throw an interception or you can catch a break and get a fumble. Also the more plays they run the more of their offense you get to see. My goal is to make them run at least 8 plays before they score. Eight plays may sound like an arbitrary number to some but eight plays is more than some drives take for "Pro madden players". And anything less than eight plays and you havent seen enough of their offense. So aim for eight

More games are lost than won and the turnover ratio is the biggest reason. Depending on how long the game is (could be 6 mins or 4 min quarters) that turnover could be magnified ten fold.

Now we all know that fumbles are kind of random in the EA Sports games but when you suspect that you could fumble you need to cover the ball up.

Interceptions are your worst enemy. Say it with me "Interceptions are no no's". Okay, now we are on the same page. Interceptions not only give them the ball, but it gives them a chance to gain yardage!
To avoid throwing interceptions you have to have a scheme and have good pass progressions.

Get Off The Field On 3rd Down
The same as in real life football you need to get your defense off of the field on 3rd down. I dont know how much more clearer I can make that so im going to leave it at that.

But also you have to understand that if the 4th down yardage is manageable for them THEY WILL GO FOR IT, so be prepared for it. And hey, if u stop them you get the ball in favorable field position!

Take The Points In The First 3 Quarters
Once you get in scoring position YOU MUST SCORE, it doesnt matter if its a field goal or a touchdown. Your score must increase. Remember you are playing against top competition so those points will matter late in the game. DO NOT TURN THE BALL OVER (see above)

Now I also say "In the first 3 quarters". The reason I say that is because late in the game anything could happen. You dont know what the game may call for you to do but as long as you use your head you will be okay. Just think logically.

There you go guys, this is the stuff that can help you against a "madden pro". It is important to remember these things because lacking in one of them could be the thing that makes you lose the game. Stay Tuned for part two!!!

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Dec 7, 2011

How To Create Another Day A Week Just For Madden

When you start getting serious at playing madden competitively it seems that there is never enough time. You get phone calls that need to be picked up; the service guy for the dishwasher shows up; you must read that important mail. Schoolwork or your job gets in the way. It is not uncommon for an entire day to go by only to find out you didn’t complete any of the tasks you wanted to do for the day.

The Magic Button...

What if I told you there was a magic button you can press which will freeze time for you? Every surrounding noise will stop: no calls, no incoming urgent mails, no dishes to wash or laundry to do. It will be just you and the console. Everyone else will be frozen in time, allowing you to focus on your madden game. If you need something from someone, you just call their name and they will wake up for the exact amount of time you need them for an answer. I will grant you one magic button press a week.

Imagine a whole another day just for you and your madden game each week. How would you use it? Would you outline your next offensive scheme? Finally finish that long scheme that’s waiting in the queue? Brainstorm a your next hot defense? How would you make this time useful?

Finding the extra day

Of course there is no such thing as a magic button, but getting a day a week for your important work is actually not that hard.
All you have to do is spot the time of day when you are most prolific and productive. For some it is the afternoon, for some it is early morning. For me, it is the late night.

Now decide that you are going to dedicate this time to madden. Think of it as a one-hour meeting with yourself. Actually, don’t just decide it, put it into your calendar or your cell phone. With a reminder. For every day of the week.
This will gain you six hours of uninterrupted work. During that time, don’t answer phones (disconnect or turn them off, if you need to), don’t surf the madden forums, and dedicate yourself to the game.

Since this is your best time of day and since you will be uninterrupted, your potential for using this hour for something productive is very high.
But it takes commitment. It means that you must use the time for work. And it means that you cannot set this appointment aside. 

You must stick with it every day. After a while, you’re likely to find that you need to expand that meeting. Go ahead and do that. And after a longer while, you may find that you don’t need this meeting at all.
Now, this is up to you. I’m offering the button only for the next ten minutes. Use those ten minutes to schedule your daily appointment.


Dec 4, 2011

One Way Motion Can Help You

Motion is a way to gain an advantage of the defense. There are many ways that motion can effect the defense and I will break one down briefly.

Motion is a great tool to get a leverage advantage on the defense. Lets say that you come out in this formation


Now lets say that you motion the B WR to the left.  (im not going to draw a new diagram so use your imagination lol) ....

Sometimes when the defense is in man coverage that man covering B will get hung up in the traffic (of his other defender friends).... realistically.. while trying to chase B across the formation....

When that happens the B WR is uncovered (very briefly) and you can hike and quick throw the ball to him.  

You can use pretty much any route ( C routes, for those who dont know they are the corner routes that look like the letter C, may be a weird throw..idk, i just never tried it)...But I like curls the best and that also works out better because I use lots of curls lol

So really quickly that is a way that motion can help your offense, tell me what you think in the comments.


Madden 12 Tip: Gun Doubles On - Slot Post

This play here is one of the simplest plays to run in Madden 12.

 It delivers a quick pass option along with a high low zone passing concept.

You cant forget about the deep route check down route (or i guess it would be a check up route)

There are no adjustments you need to make to this offensive play. Enjoy it because it is one of few offensive plays in madden 12 that don't need any

Here is how you read the play
Tight End,Slot Receiver, Left outside receiver, Running back

You will want to focus on the tight end first. The tight end will sit down over the short middle of the field. If he is open feed him the ball.

Next you will look to the slot receiver if you cant get the ball to the tight end. His relationship to the tight end is critical. hose two routes together, the post and the sit down route, are very hard to guard together in a zone defense. The defender will have to pick who he wants to guard. So if the sit down route is covered than the post route more than likely is open.

Now I said that those two routes where hard to cover but not impossible. You can do some things defensively to guard them both but doing so will open up the left outside receivers comeback route. So if the post and the sit down route are covered than look to the comeback route. Throw it on time and it will be a very big gain for your offense

Next you will look at the flat route being run by the running back. His relation to the comeback is the same as the sit down routes relation to the post. it is a high low concept along side the comeback route. If everything else is covered there is a very high chance that the flat will be open.

That is how things work vs zone defense now lets talk about man coverage. The sit down route, post , and comeback route are all effective vs man coverage if thrown on time and correctly. Just go through your normal pass progression and you will be just fine against man coverage.

There you go guys, the Madden 12 Gun Doubles On Slot Post play. One of the easiest to run in madden 12. go score some points!!!

WFColonel56 OUT!!!
