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WFColonel's War Room: 2011-08-28

Sep 2, 2011

Cowboys 4-3 Defensive Question

the 15 min line cut me short but as of now I have no recomindations for plays from the 4-3 normal.
Now I am running the basic cover 3, cover 3 press, and cover 2 buc and regular.. I make adjustments from there.

This is just what im doing as of now. Stay tuned for some other things..And yes I am preping for them lol

But If you are a viewer and you have a question you can go to the contact tab at the top of the blog and leave a question. I will either help you out through email or blog post. I will do my best to get to all of them in a timely manner (days-2 week span)

Also if you havent already done so subscribe to my youtube channel HERE

colonel out!!!!


Sep 1, 2011

4 Things You Can Learn About Madden From Your Toddler

For those wondering before you real this my cousin just had a kid and I saw an article on yahoo about kids and that got me thinking....

 1. Tears Don’t Solve Anything, But Expressing Your Frustration Can Help

 There is nothing gained from crying about the latest "unstoppable" offensive play or defensive blitz. When you sit around and do that you give them the power. You need to be getting in the lab and trying to solve the Prince of Persia like puzzle. And once you achieve your goal you will feel on top of the world. 

But if you are struggling cracking that safe than express your frustrations. Hop on some madden forums (some are in my sites to watch...hint, hint) and ask for some help.

DO NOT ASK FOR HAND OUTS. You could appear like somebody who wants everything given to them over the internet by what you type and especially how you type it. And nobody wants to take the time to help somebody who wont even try to help themselves. So actually try to solve the problem before hand. And in doing so you can post about the things that you have tried and others can see the work you have put in. And they will be more willing to help you

 2. If It Looks Like Fun, the Other Kids Will Want It Too

Toddlers aren’t that good at sharing. They haven’t had time to develop that skill. That means when one kid sees another one having fun with a toy, they’ll want it too. The toddler rules do say that if they see it, it’s theirs, and it doesn’t matter if another child saw or had it first.


Yes yes yes.....

Everybody wants the new toy in the store. The new fancy blitz, the new money play, the new depth chart line up. Everybody succumbs  to temptation in this thing we call John (John Madden Football)

But!!!! What do you do with that lust. Do you take that car for a test drive and stay in 1st gear, or do you buy that new car and spin them tires...

 I have to be very careful on how I say this because it could confuse people (especially since that last analogy probably wasn't too good lol)

Do you just take that play or depth chart or whatever it may be. Or do you try to find the reasoning behind why the play works, or why that person likes that depth chart set up.

If you do the first you never get better at Madden (or ncaa). You might have some success with the play or whatever but you dont know....why...

You need to be able to answer the question whatever you are borrowing. And only then you will be spinning them tires.

Now lets take a look from the other side. 

You are the guy who made the new toy. When you put it out on the internet (in whatever way, a live stream game or just posting it) You need to be prepared for it to be used. And you have to be prepared to answer questions about it. 

Also you may be forced into releasing you toy...Some people saw your toy so you must take credit for it before it is stolen lol ..but thats on the darker side of things

3. If You Fall Down, Try Again

Toddlers don’t have this whole walking, running, jumping thing down perfectly. Sometimes they fall down for no apparent reason at all. .


Everyone takes lumps, sometimes they get away with a W and sometimes they dont. But we all take our lumps. 

But what separates the bad from the good, and the good from the great is what that person does after taking a lump.

Do you just shrug it off and say, "That means nothing, he got lucky". 


"I must improve _______ and ________ "


at the same time dont say


"I suck, I just cant get it"

Believe me, we have all been there at one point or another. We all have struggled. We all didnt know this or that. We all couldnt stop _________ at one point. 

But you need to get past that mental block and try again. People always say you learn more from a loss than from a win. And that is sooooo true. 

You learn what you need to improve in your scheme. You learn what you need to do to manage clock better. You learn that you need to gain a little better stick skills..You will learn at least one of those things from a loss. And 7/10 (fake statistics....just in case you didnt know lol) times in a loss your scheme way exposed (Miami heat style)

4. Pay No Attention to the People Who Say It Can’t Be Done

Parenting a toddler is a difficult thing, especially when the child is on the adventurous side. They’re always trying to do things you don’t think they’re capable of doing. Yet sometimes they make it work, despite the parents trying to stop them.

Those who say that either dont know how to do it, or are to scared to do it. It is just human nature to write something off as impossible if you dont have an answer for it.

Why do you think a "creative madden baller" is a hot topic in the community?

well its because the community consists on 95% of people who are not creative. And they say its impossible to be creative. So when a person breaks out of the pack they are put on a petistel so to speak.

People hate what they dont understand.

I have been told the Falcons cant compete with the Eagles (Madden 12) the Raiders (Madden 10-11), the Cowboys and Chargers (Madden 08-09) because they were too slow or because they didnt have play makers on offense (pre Roddy White/ Tony Gonzales updates)

But the Falcons (as well as any team) can compete with whoever. Its not the team, its the man (or woman) behind the sticks!!!!

Don't listen to people who say I Form Pro isnt a good formation. Don't let others deter you from  something you like


Aug 31, 2011

Madden 12 Wk Twins: FB READ Flat

Here is a play that I cooked up a lil while ago...By the way, this play has helped me go 5-0 today online in Madden 12.

Have fun with it, also dont forget to subscribe to my youtube channel!!

Tweet this out !!!!
