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Seven Deadly Sins For Madden Players

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WFColonel's War Room: Seven Deadly Sins For Madden Players

Dec 14, 2011

Seven Deadly Sins For Madden Players

I was watching a show on the Seven Deadly Sins last night and that really got me thinking. I started thinking about why people go wrong with their madden game. Soooo in regular WFColonel fashion I went and made a list about it.


Do you get excited just thinking about being this awesome madden player?

well stop it!!!!

(well dont stop it....ahhhh it will make more sense later)

People get so wrapped up in the THINKING that they never really DO anything. As soon as you feel the urge to do something, just do it. Have a good play idea? Well as soon as you can get to your console put it in action and try it out.

A lot of people say "well next madden I will be good". But guess what, that never comes. Why is that?

Its because players just keep putting it off and never really put the work in to be good

Theres too much think and not enough do...I hope that makes sense lol

I know so many very good madden players but they do nothing but hate on others. The main difference between envy and jealousy is that when your envious you want to take away what the other person has.

You will see it every madden season. For some reason you randomly hear players come right out and tattle on the next mans scheme. It isnt so much the telling of the scheme because thats not illegal or THAT unethical. The thing thats wrong with it is that you can always read the context of why this person tattled.

It usually has to do with them being very bitter, usually about a loss.

Where does this envy get you? How does it help you? If it doesnt help you then why waste your time being envious and better yourself with that energy.

Its just sad to me every time I hop on a forum only to see people rip on others.....for no reason

Do you go onto forums and talk about how awesome you are? Well you better suck it up when people bask you. It comes with the territory, if your going to do stuff like that than you get whats coming to you....eventually

I dont want to hear them.

Everybody who is good at the game has had to work (in some fashion) to get that way. Im not the greatest player in the world but I consider myself pretty good (now dont laugh all at once)

What makes me better than you? Nothing (I hope you said nothing)

I guess I achieved my no excuse mentality through playing football. Anyone who played at a high enough level can tell you that excuses do nothing for you. In fact they hinder you. Fight on and keep on trucking and with enough work and some guidance you can achieve what you want to.

Did you just find yourself a mean scheme or a super tuff madden play? Now you are killing it, 21-0 fools left and right.

Are you satisfied?

If so you better hold your horses my man. Dont go and hop on the Madden Nation Bus just yet. You better realize that next month that money play may be last months news. Even if you can keep the momentum going you will have to start back over next year.

Dont get fat and happy. Always continue to push forward and better your mind as well as your madden game!

Inconsistency (AKA lazziness):
I have friends (close friends) who want to be good at the game. They go hard for a day or so, maybe every other day. Then they will go and take two days off, a week off (weekends included, when they have the most time)...WTF, especially a wtf when they are still in the "development stages"

Yo my man, your competition is out there busting his ass. He isnt only perfecting your scheme before you do (he found it on his own) but he has two other mini schemes in his back pocket 

Did you just find this super amazing blitz play, tell the world you did, and wont show it?

Did you make it to a final four in a tournament and thats what you start every other thread you make with (or somebody else thread)?

Did you just take Big Gene to hell and back in a game. And the for the next three weeks Big Genes name is all that comes from your mouth or fingers.

I think you get the point by now. Nobody likes a tease and a showoff. It rubs people the wrong way and rightfully so. You arent doing yourself any favors my accumulating "enemies" 
