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The First Thing You Should Do In Madden 12

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WFColonel's War Room: The First Thing You Should Do In Madden 12

Jul 5, 2011

The First Thing You Should Do In Madden 12

Well the madden release night is the most exiting time of the year for a madden gamer. You stand in line, and when you finally get the game home you want to play that bad boy.

Of course you will get your favorite NFL team and run a few games. That is to be expected. But once you get those first game jitters out the way you will NEED to head to practice mode. Yes I said Practice Mode

Yes Iverson we ARE talking about PRACTICE!!!!

When you are in practice mode you will want to work on kicking field goals.....Field Goals?????
Yes field goals.
Most games early in the madden year come down to 3 points, so you will need to know everything about your kicker going in (do not learn on the fly)

Start with finding out how far he can kick. Start on the 30 yd line and back him up gradually with each make to see where his limit is...You will want to see where EXACTLY you can not make a fg under any circumstance.

Next off you will want to find out your comfy zone. It is usually 2-3 yards inside of your limit. Your comfy zone is where you feel you can bang out a fg whenever. Where getting 95% on your fg power wont hurt the fg chance....Makes sense????

Now after you got that distance down work on kicking the ball from inside those yard makers from both hashes.....This is just to get you repetitions kicking from different angles...It will come in handy later in the year

In games you will shoot for getting to you comfy zone. But your limit zone is still an option. You can make it from there (if everything is perfect) but you dont WANT to kick that ball there...Doing all of this just creates a more confidant madden player

PS: If in a game and you have to kick a ball from your limit area make sure you get the ball in the middle of the field with a run....Kicking that ball from a hash mark could push you out of the zone. Even if it doesnt do that it makes kicking from that distance that much harder.....So shoot for the middle of the field on those attempts.
