Balance to the run and shooter doesn't necessarily mean 50/50 run/pass!
So far we've talked about the choice and several of our trips routes but the Run and Shoot also attacks through balanced formations.

As always I explain plays with the frontside always being to the right for brevity. These plays can be reversed and run to either side.

The four primary balanced routes I use are:
1. Streak
2. Switch
3. Smash
4. Flash


The streak is one of the most basic routes in all of football.Vincent White who coached the Run and Shoot at Pacific with some guy name Walt Harris (Yes that Walt Harris) and at SMU, said he tried to run the streak at least 4 times a game if only to keep the defenses honest.

In N2k5, the best play for this route is the Hail Mary out of 4 wides. No adjustments are needed to run this route.

Reads for Streak:

Presnap: All of our automatic adjustments still apply.

Post Snap vs Coverage: Read the safeties to the corner or pick the best match up. Normally I read frontside to backside and then Run.

Post Snap vs. Blitz: If you expect blitz I wouldn't run it, however if you encounter blitz I try to hit the receiver who would normally be covered by the blitzer.

Alternative to the Streak... THE MOUSE DAVIS STREAK:
Mouse Davis used a streak where the backside receivers would read their defenders, if their defenders dropped the X and W would cut inside at about 10 yards and try to get in an open window between the dropping dbs and lbs. Unfortunately our receivers can't read in this game but we can hot our routes to have a decent route. Still using the Hail Mary 4 wide play.

Assignments for the Mouse Streak
X:Will be "hotted" to a IN or can be leave on his Streak
W:Will be "hotted" to a IN
Y: normal Streak
Z: normal Streak
S: Block

The Reads for the Mouse Streak:

Presnap: All of our adjustments to uncovered receivers still apply uncovered or ability to run.

Post Snap vs Coverage: We will start by reading Z to Y and see if we have anything breaking open. If they don't open we come back to W or X on his in. If they are all covered.. tuck and run.

Post Snap vs Blitz: Reverse the reads and go to W and X then to the Y and Z streaks if time is available.


The switch route comes to us from Mouse Davis. Its derivative of its powerful sister route the Streak (or Hail Mary play everyone is familiar with). For this play I use Shotgun Spread Slot Wheels but other plays are also viable including Flexbone Slot WR Middle. The Switch wants to force inside coverage players like LBS and Safeties to get in a mismatch with inside receivers who are traditionally some of the best receviers the Run and Shoot has.

Assigments for the Switch:

X:Leave on the the switch post
W:Leave on his switch streak
Y: "Hot" to a streak or a hook, the streak route tends to hold the saftey and the lb
Z: "Hot" to a hook
S: Block

The Reads for the Switch:

Pre Snap read: All of our adjustments to uncovered receivers still apply.

Post Snap vs Coverage: We read the front side Z hook to Y hook/streak so that we can allow the backside switch to develop. If those front side is not open, I look first to W and then to X. If you are good at reading safeties you may want to work the Y to X to the w trying to take advantage of the two deep or single on top safeties.

Post Snap Vs Blitz: Z's hook or W's streak which can break against Man coverage.


The Smash route is another great route that nearly every team uses. From Shotgun Spread- HB GO we have a great route in 2k5 to duplicate this look. This is another route that needs no adjustment but I like to add a little run and shoot touch. Its a great route to run against two deep or man defenses.

Assigments for the Smash:

X: your choice leave the hook or hot to a streak or slant
W: Hot to a Slant
Y: Leave his corner route on
Z: "Hot" to a hook to or leave his hook to cross route on
S: Block

Pre Snap: All adjustments still apply, can we get a gimme uncovered or a run?

Post snap vs coverage: Read the db over Z, if he fades back hit z on his hook...or if you didn't hot him let him start on his cross. If the DB covers down Z try to hit Y on his corner route, if things look muddy come down to the W Slant out to the X or run the ball.

Post Snap vs blitz: Hook or slant, slant especially if the inside lb's bring the pressure.


The flash route we get from Rob Spence who worked as an OC at Hofstra and under Mark Duffner at Maryland. Coach Spence is now the OC at Toldedo, and is recogonized as one of the best offensive minds in college football. A true innovator Coach Spence is one of the new run and shooters who is pushing the offense to the next level. The flash route also allows us to make our HB a receiveing threat as their is no need for him to block. This is another play to that we can get to through other selections but the best I have found is Shotgun Spread- WR Curls.

Assigments for the Flash:

X: leave his route on
W: leave his route on
Y: "Hot" to a slant
Z: leave his hook on
S: leave his flat on

Pre Snap: All adjustments still apply, can we get a gimme uncovered or a run? But we need to be aware of any pressure appearances from the backside is the W player in a potential blitz position? (Hugging the DE, aggressive stance)

Post Snap vs Coverage: The read is always Y on his slant keying the mlb if he drops or goes to the frontside we hit Y, if he sits then we move on to Z on his hook, if he is not open we go to S on his flat. You can go back side and red X to W, run or throw it .

Post Snap VS Blitz: If the pressure is coming from the backside (the guy who is over W?) then we want to go to w, otherwise we go to Y vs any pressure up the middle.

This would be a better route if only we could get S to SWING is route,we don't need him to run ot the flat right away. Alas no play editor for NCAA yet

Thanks to everyone for the many kind words and encouragement! Again I'll be posting a semi bibliography and credits,because I can't take credit for any of this stuff. I'd love to hear about the other systems out there so please don't let this intimidate anyone in anyway my way isn't the ONLY way... if you have an offense or a defense you are passionate about PLEASE POST IT!!!